Friday, August 25, 2006

Lavender Frozen Yogurt & Lemon Cookie Sandwich

tasty adult snack


This is an adults only ice cream sandwich. I made lavender froyo last week and all by itself it was hard to eat more that 2 bites. It was over powering in it's yogurtiness.
But, delicious anyway. So I thought about ways to lighten the impact and thought I would try making them into sandwiches with lemon butter cookies.

I'm not going to bother posting the lemon butter cookies recipe as it wasn't great and they are so easy to fine. Plus, this one was a little too fussy for me.

is the lavender frozen yogurt recipe.

It was pretty terrific. I'm not in love with the cookies, but the great thing is, I can freeze the dough and just hack off the pieces I want whenever I want to make a few more of these sandwiches. Hot cookies, frozen yogurt = good.

Next I'm going to try it with salty sugar cookies.

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