Saturday, October 18, 2008

Press for our upcoming opus. . .

This actually even looks like us!!

We got a lovely little article about our upcoming book, Fresh Eggs Don't Float in today's Daily Mail!


You can pre-order a copy here.


Unknown said...

Congratulations! I wish you the greatest success!

Anonymous said...

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Jo said...

Hi Lara and Caroline, I'm from Malaysia. I bought your book today and I am already 3/4 into it. I also got to know of your blog through the book, so here I am. Love the catchy title of the book, love the nifty ideas and especially find the sauces section helpful in expanding my knowledge on western cooking. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

This is definitely a must have for those who love western cuisine.Very yummy book and tons of great practical tips for cooking.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Will certainly read this up when I get at it. Am an avid collector of tips...all the best.

Anonymous said...


























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Unknown said...

wow, my mom uses you book all the time and she loves it, the only thing that i wish that it had in it was more exotic recipes. Like this one

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kenny said...

I will keep an eye out for the book, add it to my collection!

Christine said...

WOw congratulations!!! said...

Interesting one. Keep it up.

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Here抯 a tip: If you are planning to buy a new car and want to have a built-in lumbar support, then you should know that this feature often comes with foreign-made vehicles. That is because the economic hardships suffered by the North American automobile industry has caused manufacturers to cut down on certain expenses, and placing emphasis on car seat design options like lumbar support is one of the areas where they have decided to cut costs. So, if car lumbar support is a must for you, then you should be considering an import.
The most obvious benefit that you can get from car lumbar support is, of course, a decrease in lower back pain occurrence. Apart from this, there are several other areas that you can expect to improve as you ride in a car. These areas include a decrease in your levels of fatigue, which leads to an increase in your concentration level and vision capabilities. You can also expect to have better head motion and breathing capabilities while driving as well as considerably less pelvic pain. The best lumbar support can even improve your reaction time and decrease the overall discomfort that you feel due to prolonged sitting in a cramped area.
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